English Ready
The English Ready series is a contemporary paper-based and audio resource designed for teachers and volunteer tutors working with learners, who may have little or no literacy or experience of classroom education. The English Ready series is divided into student workbooks and corresponding teacher resources aligned to units in the EAL Framework curriculum. Workbook activities cover the required elements, performance criteria and knowledge and skills of each unit.
The English Ready, Course in Initial EAL (Level 1) suite of books is differently configured to its Course in EAL (Level 2) and Certificate I in EAL (Level 3) counterparts. The following Course in Initial EAL units: VU23490, VU23493, and VU23575 each have a student workbook, a student workbook with teacher instructions, and an accompanying teacher resources book. The content of the remaining three units: VU23489, VU23491, VU23492 is covered by five books each with a simple, recognisable title: Letter sounds, Letter names, Speaking, Writing and Words, and supported by one teacher resources book. The English Ready, Course in Initial EAL suite also includes a ‘My Dictionary’ template. This is a printable, foldable template based on the alphabet and sounds in which leaners can record new words as they learn them.
The Catalogue of Illustrations contains a wide range of illustrations which are featured in the English Ready materials. Using the Catalogue, practitioners may draw on the English Ready illustrations to develop extension activities for their learners.